Todd County FFA demonstrated outstanding performance at the Kentucky FFA State Convention held in Lexington. They represented their county and agriculture throughout the week.
Emily Frogue, Klarisa Brown, and Charlsie Tigart were awarded the State FFA Degree in recognition of their dedication to their Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE). This is the highest award a member can receive within the Kentucky FFA.
In the public speaking events, Mollie Skipworth scored 3rd place in Greenhouse Management.
Madison Frogue secured 2nd place in the Forage Proficiency category, showcasing her excellent SAE. Emily Frogue was celebrated as the Regional Star in Agriculture Placement, distinguishing her exceptional work for her SAE.
Career and Leadership Development Events (CDE) showcase real world skills within the agriculture realm. Jon Luke Robertson, Meredith Carter, and Nathan Phelps displayed their skills in the Agriculture Sales and Marketing CDE, while Wade Morse, Mollie Skipworth, and Addie Woodall demonstrated their knowledge in the Agriculture Business and Farm Management CDE.
Todd County’s success at the state convention shows their commitment to excellence and innovation in agriculture, reflecting the strong support of their advisors and community.