After a six-year stint in McLean County David Fourqurean will return to Trigg County as the University of Kentucky Ag and Natural Resource Extension Agent.

Fourqurean, who will begin his duties in Trigg County on January 1, says he will miss McLean County but is excited to return home.

click to download audioFourqurean says he gained quite a bit of experience working in McLean County.

click to download audioAs for his plans as the Trigg County Agriculture and Natural Resource Extension Agent, Fourqurean says he initially plans to evaluate many of the programs that are currently in place and see if other areas need to be addressed.

click to download audioFourqurean says he will see if there are new ways extension can serve the community.

click to download audioFourqurean joins the current Trigg County Extension office staff, including 4-H Agent Shelly Crawford, Family and Consumer Science Agent Teresa Garcia, and Extension Assistant Deidra Hite.